<span class="colour-box">Need a last minute ski mini-break? Head over to St Lambrecht – the home of Alpine wellness</span>
Barber lies on the floor to cut an autistic boy’s hair to make him feel comfortable
Baby hedgehog has to be rescued after getting his head trapped inside a conker
Dove’s advert is the perfect example of how ignorant the UK beauty industry really is
Noble Labrador is hired to be this hotel’s dog concierge
Trendy work perks are often hiding practices that are awful for your mental health
Check out the real life Rapunzel who has such long hair that she can wear it as a dress
This dog is so much better at yoga than you’ll ever be
Lidl brings out a ‘hangover-free’ Prosecco and it’s going to sell out by Christmas
Is ketosis the answer to fat loss, IBS and sugar fatigue?